Volunteer Managers
National Strategy for Volunteering (2023)
Volunteering Australia is leading the development of a National Strategy for Volunteering. The National Strategy will be designed and owned by the volunteering ecosystem and will provide a blueprint for a reimagined future for volunteering in Australia.
Author: Volunteering Australia
(EE) Media Consent Template
It’s ideal for you to have pictures of your volunteers doing the things that your organisations does. It is important to gain written consent before taking pictures and using them for things like social media posts, newsletters and brochures. This Easy English version is perfect for people with a learning disability, low literacy levels or trouble understanding English.
Simply customise this template for your organisation by changing the red text.
Media Consent Template
It’s ideal for you to have pictures of your volunteers doing the things that your organisations does. It is important to gain written consent before taking pictures and using them for things like social media posts, newsletters and brochures. Simply customise this template for your organisation by changing the red text.
Volunteer Reward & Recognition
Volunteer reward and recognition is not just a “nice thing to do” – in a sector where there is increasing competition for volunteer labour, it is in the best interests of organisations that rely on volunteers to also invest in them and show their volunteers they are appreciated. Volunteering is excellent value for money, but it is not free. Ideas to reward volunteers, ranging from no cost to high cost.
Author : Volunteering Queensland
Volunteer interview questions for better matching
Thorough screening and proper placement of volunteers starts with asking the right volunteer interview questions. Although we often think about screening volunteers as a way to mitigate potential risk, it also provides a unique opportunity to better understand the motivations of the volunteer applicant. The link also has hints and tips around screening and retention.
Author: Volunteer Pro
Interview Questions
Some examples of questions that you may like to ask prospective volunteers in your sporting club, depending on the role and level of responsibility.
Author: Community Cricket