
Disability Inclusive Volunteer Management Guide

Developed by the team from JFA Purple Orange, the guide provides information on disability awareness, inclusive recruitment and on-boarding processes.

It cover’s topics including – creating accessible and inclusive workplaces, barriers people with disability may come across, and embedding inclusivity across all your procedures and policies

Author : Purple Orange and Volunteering SA/NT


Inclusive Volunteering Checklist

Making your volunteer program more inclusive for more people is easier than you think! This simple

checklist provides some practical steps to make sure everyone can access the benefits of volunteering.

Start your journey towards ore inclusive volunteering today.

Author : Volunteerability

Accessible and Inclusive Toolkits

Includes Toolkits and guidelines for Accessible:

Play Spaces – Communication – Wayfinding and Signage – Community Events and consultation groups with people living with disability

Author: South Australian Government


Code of Conduct – Diversity and Inclusion

A Code of Conduct sets out the rules and expectations that members of an organisation must follow.

This resource includes a variety of options to include in your organisations code of conduct in regard to diversity and inclusion.

Author : Volunteerability


Co-Design Guide

This co-design guide will provide you with directions on how to successfully engage, connect and co-design with people with disability.

Author: People with Disability Western Australia

Disability Employment Targets

The business case for disability employment targets. Guidelines for setting and achieving targets to increase the employment of people with disability.

Author: Australian Network on Disability

Sport 4 All

Giving community sport clubs and schools the support and skills to include people with disability

when, where and how they choose. A national award winning program dedicated to enhancing inclusivity in sports

by empowering local sporting clubs, schools and communities to embrace diversity and create opportunities for people with disability.

Includes inclusion check list, free online training and resources.

Author: Collaboration between Australian Government, Australian Sports Commission and Get Skilled Access

MyWay Employability

  • Discover strengths for the workplace or further education
  • Identify and communicate sensory preferences and skills
  • Set goals based on personalised suggestions
  • Create a team to support your progress

Author: Autism Cooperative Research Centre’s (CRC) Australian Government

Autism Works

The information on this site and our free ‘AUTISM WORKS’ downloadable information guides can help you explore ways to be more inclusive for Autistic and autism communities.

By implementing this guidance, you are making a meaningful start in recognising Autistic strengths and all the ways that autism works.

Author: Government of South Australia – Office for Autism

Introduction to Universal Design – online course

Centre for Universal Design Australia (CUDA) online course, Introduction to Universal Design, is free and available now.

Author: CUDA