A woman smiling at a younger man. They are in a large garden centre and both wearing aprons.
Two women at a desk looking at a laptop. One is using a wheelchair and wearing a pink jacket and glasses.
A young woman wearing a pink jacket and a ponytail is smiling at the camera with her hand resting under her chin

Who are we?

The Volunteerability program is a result of a partnership between Orana, Southern Volunteering (SA) Inc and Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc,  funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. The program recognises volunteers’ value to our society by supporting volunteers with disability and volunteering organisations to work together in a successful, inclusive way.

South Australia has over 900,000 volunteers that are a critical part of our community. Volunteers with disability can add to that number by bringing their skills as well. Due to misinformation, many organisations may have missed the opportunity to create a more diverse team, including volunteers with disability. People with disability are eager to contribute to their communities and utilise their skills, confirming the need for a program like Volunteerability.

A young woman with curly hair and a young man with brown hair and glasses standing together and both smiling and wearing aprons.

How can we support you to volunteer?

Our free service works with you to find a meaningful volunteer role in an organisation that matches your interests, skills, availability and circumstance. Share your goals and support requirements with us, we’ll then work alongside you, and anyone else you nominate, to find solutions and provide guidance throughout your volunteering journey. Applicants need to be 18 years or over, identify as having a disability or barrier to volunteering. You don’t need to have a NDIS plan.

Referrals can be made by anyone, including self-referrals – click here to fill in a referral form – call us on 8375 2080 –  text 0455 947 674 – or contact us 

A group of diverse people listening to a speaker at a training session.

Disability Awareness sessions

These sessions are free and designed for volunteers and/or staff in an organisation that involves volunteers. Co-designed and facilitated by people with disability the sessions will help increase confidence, skills and knowledge to promote inclusion. Sessions can be tailored to meet your organisation’s needs. Go to the Contact Us page to book your session today!

Who do we work with?

Orana Australia Limited is the lead organisation for Volunteerability. As a not-for-profit organisation Orana has played a vital role in supporting South Australians living with disability for over 70 years. This is achieved by creating opportunities for people with disability to live the life of their choosing through a range of supported employment, housing, short term accommodation, skills development and daily support. Orana’s purpose is to provide people with disability the opportunity to live and work within their local community, fulfil their dreams and become valued and productive community members, as independently as possible. Orana provides support to over 650 people across both metropolitan and regional South Australia.

Southern Volunteering (SA) Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation providing information on volunteering opportunities and roles available in the southern suburbs of Adelaide, the Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island, providing information, support and training relating to volunteers, volunteering and for not-for-profit organisations operating in those areas for over 35 years.

Northern Volunteering (SA) Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation supporting the not-for-profit sector in the northern regions of Playford, Salisbury, Tea Tree Gully, Port Adelaide/Enfield, Gawler and Lower Light/Barossa, supporting these areas with 35 years’ experience in referrals, resources, training and consultancy for the volunteering sector.


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