
Inclusion @ Work Index 2021-2022

The 2021-2022 Inclusion@Work Index maps the state of inclusion in Australian organisations and provides the Australian business case for inclusion. The Index highlights how workplace inclusion significantly increases performance and wellbeing, satisfaction and innovation – all factors that, when lacking, impact culture and could contribute to the ‘great resignation’ making its way to Australia.

Author : Diversity Council Australia


Volunteer Survey Template

Recognising your volunteers is an important part of the retention process. This survey is a great way to give them the opportunity to provide feedback. Don’t forget to have processes in place to implement changes based on the feedback.

Author : Volunteerability


Report it Right – Media Guidelines

The media can play an important role in shifting the narrative around disability and support meaningful change in how the general public view and interact with people with disability. The guidelines contain words to use or avoid, interview advice and pointers on image selection to support stories.

Author : Inclusive SA

30 ways to show you appreciate your volunteers

Volunteer appreciation can be expressed in so many ways (often just a thank you goes a long way!) and is instrumental in building better relationships with your team. Some ideas may not be relevant to the Australian landscape, but might help you to stimulate your imagination.

Author: Rosterfy (USA)

101 Ways to recognise your volunteers

There are many ways you can recognise your volunteers. Read on for loads of ideas !

Author: Volunteering Australia

Calculating the value of volunteering

Many projects and organisations find it helpful to put a financial value on the hours their volunteers’ contribute. This can be expressed as an annual or monthly figure, or as the number of FTE (full time equivalent) posts.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

Measuring the impact of volunteering

It is increasingly important for organisations or groups to describe the difference that volunteering makes to, volunteers themselves, project staff, the beneficiaries or community. This guide will help you understand what we mean by ‘impact’, what to think about before you start, methods you can use and resources that can help you measure impact.

Author: Volunteer Scotland

Volunteering impact measurement

We need to get better at shouting about and sharing the incredible impact that we know volunteering has on our organisations. This guide contains top tips to help you to get started or improve your impact measurement practices, however small your resources may be.

Author : Scottish Volunteering Forum

Measuring the Good – Handbook

Measuring the Good is a practical approach for organisations in the UK to measure their social impact and improve organisational performance with support and guidance from skilled volunteers.

Author: Coalition for Efficiency and Volunteering Matters

Volaby – Volunteer Management software

An easy to use volunteer management platform designed to streamline the onboarding, rostering and recording of volunteer operations.

Author: Volaby