Volunteer inductions, policies and procedures
Media Consent Template
It’s ideal for you to have pictures of your volunteers doing the things that your organisations does. It is important to gain written consent before taking pictures and using them for things like social media posts, newsletters and brochures. Simply customise this template for your organisation by changing the red text.
Writing a Code of Conduct
Codes of Conduct are not a legal requirement, but they are a good tool for setting expectations of behaviour. Having a Code of Conduct provides an overarching, high-level approach for what your organisation expects of its staff, service users, clients, contractors and third parties, including volunteers.
Author: Volunteering Australia
Working with Volunteers
An online tool that provides an overview of the key legal obligations that not-for-profits have towards volunteers. Includes recruitment, WHS, unlawful behaviour, managing performance and dismissals.
Source : Justice Connect – Not for Profit Law
A framework for your Volunteer Policy
It is recognised that the guidelines in the framework will be considered in the light of individual organisation’s needs and / or situation. The sample statements are provided only as an illustration of the relevant guidelines and are not intended as a standard or model for use by any other organisation. Remember the difference between policy and procedure. Policy outlines what you intend to do and procedures then outlines how you will do this.
Author: Volunteer Ireland
Developing growth mindsets
Explore how to help volunteers and the co-workers who lead them to ditch the fixed mindsets that are holding them back and adopt a growth mentality that helps them question knee-jerk reaction to change and reconsider what might be possible.
Author : Volunteer Pro
Volunteering Rights and Responsibilities
A volunteer environment is still a workplace, and as such, volunteers have certain responsibilities that must be upheld. And of course, they have rights as well! The following list is the basis of your rights as a volunteer
Author : Source: Volunteer Rights & Volunteer Checklist Information Sheet, Volunteering Australia
* amended from original source document
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