Accessible and Inclusive Toolkits

Includes Toolkits and guidelines for Accessible:

Play Spaces – Communication – Wayfinding and Signage – Community Events and consultation groups with people living with disability

Author: South Australian Government


Inclusive Attitudes

These tips will help you create a more welcoming environment, build stronger teams, and unlock the potential of all team members

Author : Australian Disability Network


Plain language guide

Plain language can express complex ideas. Engage people with words they can understand quickly: use the list on this page. Plain language is different to Easy English.

Source: Australian Government


Inclusive Access to Buildings and other environments

Creating environments where everyone can participate with ease and respect. A guide and checklist

Source: Australian Disability Network

Autistics Guide to Adulthood

From making friends and self-care, to entering the workforce and advocating for your needs, this interactive resource for the Autistic community , co-designed by autistic adults, aims to provide useful information, strategies and activities.

Author: Collaboration between Australian Government, Autism SA and University of Adelaide


Images portraying people with disability

Guidelines to help you use appropriate images of people with disability in various platforms. “Imagery that normalises the presence of people with disability in everyday scenes will also suggest dignity, independence, mobility and inclusion of  people with disability.”

Author : People with Disability Australia PWDA


Adding Alternative Text (image descriptor) to Social Media posts

Alternative text (alt text) is a brief description of an image that is read aloud by screen readers for users who are visually impaired.

Including alt text is another way to get your message across in an accessible way

Author: Volunteerability


Accessible communication for Social Media posts

Use our template and examples to create accessible social media posts, including advertising for volunteers

Author: Volunteerability


Report it Right – Media Guidelines

The media can play an important role in shifting the narrative around disability and support meaningful change in how the general public view and interact with people with disability. The guidelines contain words to use or avoid, interview advice and pointers on image selection to support stories.

Author : Inclusive SA


Developing growth mindsets

Explore how to help volunteers and the co-workers who lead them to ditch the fixed mindsets that are holding them back and adopt a growth mentality that helps them question knee-jerk reaction to change and reconsider what might be possible.

Author : Volunteer Pro