Lady in a blue shirt shrugging her shoulders questioningly

People volunteer for lots of different reasons. There might be one reason, or many.

It could be to:

  • Help others.
  • Learn skills – perhaps to gain work experience.
  • Meet new people.
  • Gain confidence
  • Share your skills or hobbies with others.
  • Support a cause you believe in
  • Have fun.
  • Have a reason to leave the house and get out into the community.




There are many different volunteering roles.


Some examples are:

  • helping older people in aged care
  • preparing and/or serving food and drinks
  • teaching other people something that you are good at
  • administration
  • helping at a sporting club
  • visiting someone and having a chat with them
  • gardening or outdoor work
  • fundraising
  • sorting and selling second hand clothes and goods (like in an Op Shop)
  • Social media and marketing

These are just some examples, but there are many more to explore!


two men sitting on a step outside. one is holding a notebook and gesturing to the other with his hand

There are a few questions you and the person you are supporting need to think about before you start your journey to volunteering.


  • What day or times can you volunteer?
  • How often can you volunteer? Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly, or perhaps just for special events a couple of times per year.
  • What kind of things am I good at?
  • What interests and hobbies do I have?
  • What would I like to gain from volunteering?


Download our workbook to explore these and other questions.




A blonde woman is pointing to a laptop screen while a young man is scrolling

If you don’t know what kind of volunteer role would be suitable, you can do a quiz. It’s for people to think about what kind of paid job they would like, but it might help to decide about a volunteer role too.

Watch these videos to find out why these people volunteer and the kinds of roles they have.