
Includability – Hosting accessible and inclusive online meetings

This guide will provide you with practical steps on how to ensure your online meeting or event is accessible and inclusive for all participants.

Author : Includability – Australian Human Rights Commission

Accessible Arts – Accessible online events and meetings

Here are some hot tips to help you make your digital content and online events more accessible and inclusive.

Author: Accessible Arts

Government of South Australia : Online accessibility Tool Kit

Everyone benefits from accessible design.

Online accessibility courses and resources to help you on your way. A clean and clear visual presentation helps everyone make sense of online information and functionality.

Inclusive Design for Social Media

Inclusive design tips for social media. Inclusive design aims to provide the best user experience for as many people as possible.

Author : Hootsuite – Katie Sehl October 2020


Toolkits – Disability and Accessibility

Includes information regarding inclusive language, Accessibility Action Plans, reasonable adjustments and digital accessibility.

Author : Diversity Council Australia


Reasonable Adjustments in the Workplace

If you need modifications or adjustments to your workplace to accommodate your disability so you can work at your best, you can ask your employer to make changes around your office and general work area.

Author: Disability Support Guide


Employment Assistance Fund (EAF)

The EAF gives financial help to eligible people with disability and mental health conditions and employers to buy work related modifications, equipment, Auslan services and workplace assistance and support services

Author: Job Access – Australian Government


Work Assist

Work Assist can help you stay in work if you risk losing your job through illness, injury or disability. It can help to: redesign your job so you can keep working, change your workplace so you can continue to work, get specialised equipment to help you do your job.

Author: Services Australia


How to Make Workplaces More Inclusive For People with Invisible Disabilities

To understand the needs of people with long-term invisible disabilities, a seven-year study across Europe and the U.S. with 58 professionals with invisible disabilities and 19 HR professionals to gain insights into the feasibility and challenges of implementing some of the recommendations that emerged through the survey.

Author: Harvard Business Review


The Key to Inclusive Leadership

This article describes organisational practices that can help leaders become more inclusive and enhance the performance of their teams.

Author: Harvard Business Review